


Bitcoin meetup organizers, hub runners and community builders are invited to Chiang Mai, Thailand for two days of mastermind sessions and adventure in the mystical jungles of Chiang Mai. The goal is to build connections between Bitcoin educators and further our individual education efforts across the globe.

Day 1 will be a structured mastermind session where we work together on solving each other’s major blockers with our meetup and community efforts. If you haven’t done a mastermind before, here’s how it works. Day 2 will be an adventure in Chiang Mai with hiking, sauna and pool.

Dates: September 17-18, 2024 following the Thailand Bitcoin Conference in Bangkok.

Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand

Cost: Free, including room for 16th to 19th. We take an $80 deposit to confirm your room, which can be donated to cover costs or returned to you after the retreat.

Space is limited on this retreat; it is first-come, first-served.

Organized by Evan (@CaptainSidd) with massive support from Jimmy Kostro’s Bitcoin Learning Center Chiang Mai and the Thailand Bitcoin community.