
Brotherhood over Business Cards

You’re not the typical entrepreneur, and this isn’t your typical mastermind.

Unlike any other conference or networking event, the Ride of Passage Mastermind blends the thrill of a two-wheeled adventure with the rigor of mastermind strategy sessions. Those who ride together will bond forever.

On a Mastermind trip you get:

  • All-inclusive Thailand road trip experience

  • Multiple structured Mastermind sessions

  • A group of like-minded, ambitious entrepreneurs

  • Local food and coffee

  • Gorgeous accommodations

And it’s accessible to anyone with wanderlust and the ability to ride a twist-and-go automatic scooter.

Looking to elevate your business and bond with fellow entrepreneurs while cruising through a tropical paradise?

The Mastermind was made for you.

Why Join a Mastermind Ride?

Taking your business to the next level requires thinking differently than you are now.

The Ride of Passage Mastermind delivers the three most important elements to thinking differently:

  • Novel environment to challenge how you see the world.

  • Adventure activities to stimulate creativity and connections.

  • Ambitious peers to inspire and push you to new heights.

To create novel environments and adventure, we’ll be traveling through the beautiful and magical mountains of Northern Thailand on the ultimate freedom machines of this land: the humble automatic scooter and motorcycle.

As for ambitious peers? Everyone participant will be vetted by the organizers to ensure they’re as ambitious as you; ready to bring and receive value through this experience.

Limiting the group size to 8 ensures both a variety of perspectives and deep connection over our 5 days together.

There are no limits to the types of businesses your peers are running - so you’ll learn from the fresh perspectives and new ideas brought by different fields.

And we’ll do it all while enjoying luxury accommodation and fresh local food in beautiful settings.

All hotels, activities, and food are included in your ticket. You’ll have local guides and a facilitator to better appreciate the culture and make sure the mastermind is productive.

Throw out everything you know about networking and growth.

We’re about to take you to the next level from the jungles of Thailand.

The Ride of Passage Mastermind is for you if:

You’re a hustler building a brand, business, or agency and looking to level up beyond the tactical aspects of running it.

You recognize the value in bringing in outside perspectives for your problems.

You value time away from the phone and computer screen, meditating on your next moves.

You’re ready to open up to others about what you’re working on, where you’re strong and where you’re weak.

You’re interested in exploring a lifestyle that combines leisure, learning and professional development.

The Ride of Passage Mastermind is NOT for you if:

❌ You’re looking to booze, chill, and avoid serious discussions and growth opportunities.

❌ You’re looking to sit behind your computer screen all week instead of engaging with the group.

❌ You’re looking for technical advice or assistance - like setting up a website (this is higher level business focused).

❌ You’re not interested in growing your brand or business.

❌ You’re dreaming of building a business but haven’t launched an offer and won a customer yet.

Who this ride is for

  • Theme: Scaling - How do we level up through teams and technology?

    - Breakfast and introductions at a breakfast cafe in Chiang Mai

    - Ride through the mountains to the peaceful lakeside town of Phayao

    - Part 1/3 Mastermind session, focused on scaling issues

    - Dinner on the lake - Thai favorites

  • Theme: Offers - What do we offer to the market and how can we improve our positioning?

    - Breakfast at the hotel

    - Ride through rice paddies and local villages to the ancient capital of the Lanna kingdom: Chiang Rai

    - Part 2/3 Mastermind session, focused on offer improvement

    - Dinner together on the river - Thai and Western food

  • Theme: Unplugging - How do we switch off from the ‘on’ mode we’re always in as entrepreneurs?

    - Breakfast at the hotel

    - Ride across several mountain ranges in to the mystical town of Chiang Dao with a few viewpoints and cafe stops

    - Rest and unwind with massages

    - Burgers and craft beer for dinner

  • Theme: Challenge - How do we choose challenges and manage stress inherent in business?

    - Breakfast at the hotel

    - Part 3/3 Mastermind session, focused on next steps and pivots

    - Adventure activity: Live like a local (and meet a few) by hiking the hills together

    - Beefsteak — all you can eat beef, grilled for a private dinner

  • Theme: Flexibility - How do we stay flexible to changes in our business and the market as we build?

    - Breakfast and final morning Mastermind session as one group

    - Ride through Chiang Mai with an eclectic cafe stop

    - Dinner together at The Rock (steak with a view)

Itinerary Highlights

The Ride of Passage: Mastermind is unlike any vacation, tour, or business conference you’ve attended. Every day has a theme for discussion, intentionally designed to foster connection between riders and bring out everyone’s creativity.

Every element of the Ride of Passage Mastermind is crafted to drive more creativity in our minds and deeper connections between individuals. No rooftop bar in the world can create the depth of creativity and connection we’re going to reach on this ride.

What’s Included

Every Ride of Passage Mastermind rider becomes part of a community of entrepreneurs that have gone through the same trials together. That alone is a bar of gold, but you also get this included with you ticket:

Every Ride of Passage Mastermind Rider gets:

  • Access to the Ride of Passage Mastermind community

  • Three deep Mastermind sessions

  • Themes and topics to think about each day and discuss over dinner

  • Serene and comfortable lodging for all 4 nights of the ride, dual occupancy (single occupancy upgrade available)

  • All meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) included, with several feasts planned

  • Five days of riding stunning roads with the group

  • All activities: physical training, hiking, off-roading possible

  • Package of photos and videos from the ride, perfect for your personal brand (and Tinder profile)

  • Swag from the ride

You Need to Bring:

  • Yourself

  • Your own scooter or motorcycle with helmet - rental options in FAQs below.

  • Your A game.

As with anything in life and business, the more you show up, the more you get out. Come with nothing prepared and no insights on your business, and you’ll get nothing out of this ride. Come with a bit of digging on where you’re at and a few roadblocks you’re facing… and you’ll be shocked how much growth will come out of just a few days, even while enjoying the road and relaxing.

Do the work, get the reward. It’s that simple.


How to Book

Booking is as simple as finding the date that works for you on the booking widget below. The form shows Start Dates for every 5 day ride. All rides start and end in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

With your booking you get:

  • Plush lodging for 4 nights ($500 value)

  • All meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) included, with several feasts planned ($400 value)

  • All activities: physical training, hiking, off-roading possible ($400 value)

  • Three deep Mastermind sessions in inspiring locations ($3,000 value)

  • Access to the Ride of Passage Mastermind community (priceless)

  • Package of photos and videos from the ride, perfect for your personal brand or - your Tinder profile (priceless)

  • Peace of mind as you know everything is taken care of on the journey (priceless)

Just bring yourself and your scooter or motorcycle.

I want to see as many of you builders experience a Ride of Passage as possible, so I’m offering a killer deal this year. And if you’re worried that your plans might change, you can get a full refund for cancellation up to 60 days before your Mastermind’s departure date. If you find someone to take your seat, I’ll even lock in your price for next year.

The current best deal: Sign up before July 1st to get the Mastermind for $1,395 with code ONTHEBALL. Without this code, the price is $1,795.

Still not sure? Let me answer all your questions below — and for any questions you still have, email me at


  • We recommend renting from Fleet CNX - they are the easiest in Chiang Mai with the newest models. Red Ride and Mango Bikes are also good. Rent well ahead of time as it will be high season in Chiang Mai with many tourists renting from all the shops in town. Please come prepared to ride up to 3 hours in a day - you should be competent and confident riding your machine.

    If you’re comfortable on a proper motorcycle, we recommend C&P Big Bike or POP Big Bikes for rentals.

  • Yes, you’ll have full access to the itinerary so it’s up to you. If you need to take a call or handle something urgent, you can do so. The hotels we’ve chosen have decent wifi speeds, and with a local SIM or eSIM (via Airalo app) in your phone you’ll get 4G/5G speeds around the country.

    However, we recommend blocking out this time to be as present as possible with the group. That’s how you’ll get the most out of this ride.

    Use this as an opportunity to unplug - you won’t regret it.

  • For about $20 you can have unlimited data for your trip via a local SIM or eSIM. Thai cell networks are fast and coverage is great, with spotty signal only when riding through the mountains. All hotels will have wifi as well.

  • You’re getting at why I developed this concept in the first place. My own personal experiences have taught me the importance of adventure and novelty in moving my businesses forward, and both conferences and other motorcycle tours each lack one half of the equation: business discussions with likeminded peers, or adventure activities to generate novel ideas and forge bonds.

    Conferences are great for soaking in information and shaking hands; but the only way to make memorable bonds is to get piss drunk with other attendees… which often deletes the memories anyway!

    Motorcycle tours are amazing, but if you’re anything like me… I’d rather ride with a group of likeminded entrepreneurs than a bunch of randoms.

  • Depending on the passport(s) you hold, you may or may not need a visa. Many countries get 30 days on arrival in Thailand, which is plenty to do this ride. Check with your government’s embassy in Thailand for more information.

  • Because each mastermind ride is capped at a small number of riders, we can’t guarantee you’ll be grouped with people at your level in business.

    But this isn’t the point of a Ride of Passage. The point is to bring you variety, which is almost guaranteed with this format. What you need are completely novel perspectives on your problems - you won’t get that from your direct peers.

    Those fresh perspectives from people in dissimilar situations are exactly what you need to break through the issues you’re facing.

    Regardless, if this is a concern for you just reach out to me at and I can help you get in a group with others on your level.

  • You need to come prepared to play all out, meaning you will openly share ideas, support, contacts, and feedback with the group. You can keep your proprietary business info to yourself, but that’s it.

    You also need to be running your own business or starting one on the side.

    The Ride of Passage is an adventure with likeminded high performers meant to open your eyes to new ways of creating growth and moving forward in your life. Whether you’re just starting out with your business or you’re on the tenth one already, you’ll find value in this experience.

    You’ll also need to be able to competently ride at least a motorized ~125cc automatic scooter in Thailand.

  • We recommend you do a day of reflection the week before you set off on your Ride of Passage. Review what you’ve done with your business so far, where it’s at in terms of customers, revenue, search rankings, etc, and how you’re planning to grow. List out where you’re stuck and what’s blocking you. All of this will be valuable starting points during mastermind sessions and informal discussions on this ride.

    Also, be sure you can ride a ~125cc automatic scooter on Thailand’s roads. We can’t hold up the group for someone who can’t ride competently and confidently. You will need to rent your own scooter with a helmet. Big bikes are welcome as well, but we’re not going to ride fast.

  • The Ride of Passage Mastermind is all inclusive: accommodations, three meals per day, and all activities come with your ticket. You may want to carry some cash for 7-11 stops, beers, massages and gifts along the way.

  • A typical day will involve a light breakfast at our hotel, setting off to ride beautiful mountain roads in the morning. We’ll stop for lunch at a local restaurant before checking in to our next hotel and starting our afternoon mastermind. In the evening we may have a group dinner or each have our own time to work or relax. Don’t expect a booze-fest or a hackathon either; that’s not what this is.

  • Masterminds are simple yet powerful. Each session will consist of several 30 minute discussions around each participant’s unique issues and blockers. The groups will also rotate throughout the week so you’ll have plenty of exposure to different viewpoints.

  • During booking, every participant gives information about their business that helps us understand whether the experience is a good fit. We hope that the information on this page helps entrepreneurs self-select for this experience. In case someone really is not a fit, we’ll discuss that with them privately.

  • Hello! This is Evan, the founder of the Ride of Passage. I will lead every Mastermind ride in 2024. I am an experienced rider and trip planner, having done countless multi-day trips and group rides across Thailand. I even rode the country north to south in 2021.

    I grew up in the USA but spent the last five years living in Thailand, steeping in the culture, history, and language to bring you deeper into this world than you could on your own. I’m also building my own online brands at Ride of Passage and It’s Better On The Road.

    I designed this ride based on my own experience, picking the best locations for us to have an incredible time together. I’ll also apply the skills and processes I developed building a personal growth and networking program at my university to help everyone on the ride create deeper connections and make more professional progress.

  • Our ride leader will have preparations in place to make sure first aid and medical services are accessible if necessary. You will be required to sign a waiver releasing the Ride of Passage of liability and you will need your own medical insurance. You are ultimately responsible for your own safety on this ride, as you are in your life.

  • Absolutely. All we ask is that you both have different problems you’re trying to solve to keep the group discussion as varied as possible. However, if both of you want to discuss two different problems, that’s fine too.

  • The possibility of bad weather in Chiang Mai during this season is very low, however we do have contingency plans in place to move around the schedule so we can avoid riding in the rain. There’s always a chance we get caught in a shower while on the road, but a $1 poncho will keep you dry.

  • We understand that plans change when you’re living the lifestyle of a nomadic entrepreneur. So if you cancel up to 60 days before your trip’s departure, we’ll give you a full refund. If you find someone to take your seat, we’ll even lock in the price you paid for next year’s trips (prices will go up next year).

    Planning a ride like this involves a ton of moving parts, so canceling your reservations is no easy feat.

  • The Ride of Passage community is built on a foundation of trust; the more we trust each other, the more we can grow through these shared adventures. The more open you are on this ride, the more value you get out of it. If you only speak in vague terms about what you’re working on, the other participants can only give you vague help. That said, how private you want to be about your life and businesses is entirely up to you.

  • Many local hotels will store luggage for a fee, and there is a luggage storage counter at the CNX airport. If you’re really struggling to find a place, reach out to me at Don’t let a bag hold you back from going on the ride of a lifetime.

  • Absolutely. After the ride, you’ll still be in contact via group chat so you can continue discussing long after the ride is over. This helps build accountability into the structure; what you say on this ride is not gone once we return. You’re committed.


Evan Rally

Evan is no stranger to business or motorcycling through Thailand. He’s riding every day, racking up 20k+ kilometers a year. When he’s not on two wheels, he’s building the Ride of Passage and It’s Better On The Road in to premier adventure travel companies.